
Dignitary Rights and the benefits of Registered Personality

By Dr Angela Adrian

How would you feel if you were an actor whose performance had been hi-jacked for a film you didn't approve of and which resulted in you receiving death-threats? That's exactly the position that Cindy Lee Garcia found herself in after working on a film she thought was entitled 'Desert Warrior', but which actually turned out to be the highly controversial film 'Innocence of Muslims'. Cindy Lee Garcia, was hired to perform 4 pages of script over 3 days in an action film entitled Desert Warrior. She was not told of the film's true nature nor given a copy of the full film script. Her lines were later dubbed so that she appeared to ask whether Mohammed was a child molester. Needless to say, when the film came out she received death threats from Muslim extremists. She further claimed that she nev... Read More