Registration Process
Registration is straightforward, consisting essentially of two elements: the registration of the personality and the registration of any images associated with that personality. Forms for each are available on request. Registration of personality lasts for ten years but may be renewed as often as you wish.
Once we have received your application forms, we undertake due diligence checks to confirm your identity and to ascertain whether there are any prior rights that might conflict with the proposed registration. If there are not, then we apply for registration on your behalf. If there are, then we report back to you, to discuss whether or not you wish us to open a dialogue with the prior right holder(s) with the intention of obtaining their consent to the proposed registration.
Limited details of all proposed registrations are placed in the public domain for a period of 20 working days. If nobody objects to your application during that time then the proposed registration automatically becomes a confirmed registration, with effect from the date of first application. At that point we will email you a certificate of registration. If any objections are received, then we report back to you with details of the objection(s) and to discuss possible ways to resolve this.