Personality & Image
What is a ‘Registered Personality’?
Sports personalities, performers and celebrities have long sought to protect and control their ‘image rights.’ This means they want to control who may use and profit from visual images of them, or by association with their name. Registration of Personality takes a significant step beyond this and allows, for the first time anywhere, an entire, distinct personality to be registered. It captures everything that can be demonstrated to be unique about that personality. It does this by creating an actual property right – your ‘Registered Personality’ becomes a distinct item of property.
What is a Registered Image?
A Registered Image is a specific, unique, registered characteristic of the Registered Personality. You can’t create a Registered Image unless you have first created a Registered Personality. Almost any distinctive characteristic or personal attribute can be registered as an image. For example, Morgan Freeman’s distinctive voice, Usain Bolt’s ‘lightning bolt’ victory pose, or David Bowie’s ‘Ziggy Stardust’ character could all potentially be ‘Registered Images’.
Who can register as a ‘Registered Personality’?
Almost anyone. Personalities are defined widely and include the following:
- A natural person – e.g. a real human being
- A legal person – e.g. a Company
- A joint personality – e.g. Ant & Dec, Morcambe & Wise, Laurel & Hardy.
- A group personality – e.g. Arctic Monkeys, Manchester United FC
- A fictional personality – e.g. James Bond, Mickey Mouse
- A personality who died in the last 100 years – e.g. Marilyn Monroe
Where is this Register? How can I view it?
Icondia uses the Guernsey Image Rights Register, which is operated and maintained by the Guernsey Intellectual Property Office. Subject to creating a simple user name and password, anyone can log on and view the Register here.
What information is disclosed on the Register?
The Guernsey Image Rights Register displays the name of a registered personality, together with a representative photograph of that personality and the name of the Image Rights Agent responsible for the registration. There is a link to any associated registered images and licensing arrangements may be noted on the register if the parties wish.
The Register does not include any information about who owns these image rights.
How long does registration last?
Registration of Personality lasts for ten years and can be renewed indefinitely. Registered Images last for three years, but can also be renewed indefinitely.